Florida Sex Crimes Penalties

In addition to the regular consequences a criminal conviction carries, a person convicted of a sexually related felony offense is looking at the following additional sanctions.

General Sex Crimes Penalties

Sex Offender Designation

Every person convicted of a sexually related felony offense is declared a sexual offender and is forced to comply with sexual offender registration laws throughout Florida and the United States.

Sex offenders must update their residence with every three to six months for their entire life.


Every sexually related felony offense scores mandatory prison.

Sex Offender Probation

Every person sexually convicted of a sexually related felony offense is placed on Sex Offender Probation; which restricts where you can live, imposes a curfew, requires mandatory sex offender counseling, and restricts where you can work.

“Jimmy Ryce” Civil Commitment Proceedings

Once convicted of a sexually motivated crime, the State Attorney can seek to have an imprisoned sex offender “committed” to a civil commitment facility upon the completion of the “criminal” prison sentence. This process essentially keeps a person locked up, even if they have completed their sentence.

Sex Crime Specific Penalties

Sex crimes in general carry harsh penalties and burdensome sanctions. Additionally, the more severe the sex crime, the greater prison time a person faces. Below are approximate prison sentences a first-time offender would be facing for specific sex crimes.

Lewd or Lascivious Battery

A person convicted of Lewd or Lascivious Battery would be facing a maximum sentence of fifteen (15) years in prison and a minimum sentence of seven (7) years in prison.

Lewd Offenses

There are a variety of laws that apply to Lewd or Lascivious offenses, generally the maximum penalty can be up to fifteen (15) years in prison and, in rare circumstances, the minimum sentence can be sex offender probation.

The most commonly charged lewd offenses are:

Sexual Battery and Rape

Sexual Battery carries the most severe penalties of all sexual crimes in Florida. Depending on the victim’s characteristics, a person convicted of sexual battery (rape) would be facing a maximum sentence of life in prison and a minimum sentence of nine (9) years in prison.

Unlawful Sex with Minors and Statutory Rape

A person convicted of Unlawful Sexual Activity with Minors, commonly called Statutory Rape, is facing a maximum sentence of fifteen (15) years in prison and a minimum sentence of approximately five (5) years in prison.

Contact Sex Crimes Defense Attorney Richard Hornsby

If you have been arrested or charged with a sex crime in Central Florida or the greater Orlando area, please contact Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer Richard Hornsby today.

The initial consultation is free and I am always available to advise you on the proper course of action that can be taken.